A first set of links was prepared in the context of 2019 ATLAS underground guides training sessions and is still kept for reference below. The FCC Innovation Study group (FCCIS) will trigger new studies and material in 2021 :
2020 essays by leading scientists and policymakers: The economics of big science a book in open access
November 2020 kickoff workshop : https://indico.cern.ch/event/923801/ ( and Twiki )
Jobs & careers in LHC experiments
The LHC experiments carried a study of the carrer development of their past students: the report is public and on CDS. Results are discussed in the CERN courrier [08.03.2019]
CERN annual reports are on CDS and provide stats (usually at the end)
What else does HEP bring to society ?
A recent [2017] overview of the 4 key messages can be found in the brochure called Impact of CERN . They are summarised on https://home.cern/about/what-we-do/our-impact and can be illustrated through ATLAS links :
- Scientific knowledge: the number of ATLAS papers can be found here (above the table title). Our feature articles are a good starting point.
- Innovation: the examples of pages 6 & 8 do not have much to do with ATLAS. Pick instead an example of detector development, even small, but taken from your personal & institute contribution. Illustrate the R&D process, how our specs are beyond what industry is used to, and how it leads to co-developments.
- International collaboration: key messages are summarised, at the bottom of our collaboration web site, in the brochure called Joining the ATLAS collaboration
- Education: what about mentioning the ATLAS open data project ? More ideas can be dug in the specific web sites were setup to promote knowledge transfer examples, Openlab partnerships with industry, the CERN & society foundation (originally created by P.Jenni & F.Gianotti).