Fresh news & review [Dec 2019] : a CERN courrier article on Adapting to exascale computing
ATLAS data flow, from detectors to publication
- Processing LHC data, a video prepared around the Higgs discovery time. Numbers are a bit out of date, but the setup isn't !
- From raw data to physics, 1.Record, 2.Reconstruct, 3.Analyse are (recorded) summer students lectures by A.Sfyrla. Slides 22 and 25 of the lecture 1 summarise events lifetime and rates.
- Big data meets big science: an overview poster of the ATLAS data processing chain, prepared for the open days. Step by step:
- Simulation: "defending our lives", a series 3 of blog posts by Zach Marshall .
- Data taking: start of run 2 in the ATLAS control room. The rotating event at the end is in CDS .
- Event selection: the whole ATLAS trigger in one prize winning poster (EPS 2019) and few older blogs
- Dealing with the data avalanche: ATLAS news
- A few ATLAS news address event displays . A gallery of ATLAS Run 2 events. "Picturing Particles" is a video story about how HEP data vizualisation developed.
Data processing, from the CERN data center to scientists laptops
- A specific web site was prepared for the Open Days 2019. One page summary & key numbers are on a flyer . The drone tour of the data center is available in CDS and on YouTube .
- Current numbers can be found in the CERN data center Key information (October 2019). A live dashboard features computing, storage and network resources.
- Most of the animations shown to data center visitors are in CDS
World wide
- WLCG site map and, behind the scenes... the LhcOne network map .
- Big data meets big science: an overview poster on how ATLAS processes its data, prepared for the Open days
- Example, the French cloud: a T2 = MUST platform @LAPP Annecy / the T1 = virtual visit of the CC IN2P3, Lyon / interview of the responsable technique (in French)
Numbers ?
- Public: Overview of the ATLAS distributed computing system, Proceedings of the CHEP 2018 conference
- ATLAS insiders only: ATLAS report to the C-RSG, April 2019
Higgs boson
- The discovery seminar: slide 12 of Fabiola Gianotti's talk acknowledges the importance of computing.
- How the grid computing helped CERN to hunt the Higgs: a 2012 science node article
- Higgs celebration and popularity opened the door to two ATLAS citizen science projects
- Animated Higgs discovery plots (2011, 2012) are on CDS
- 2019 H into 4 leptons mass distribution : ATLAS-CONF-2019-025 (fig 4)
- 2019 H in gamma gamma mass distribution : ATLAS-CONF-2019-029 (fig 3)
- The iconic 2012 Higgs event display
- 4 ways the Higgs boson can be produced at the LHC: Feynman diagrams . The way it decays : decay pie .
Progress with Run2
- "The LHC is an everything factory", slides 1-9 of a talk by Andreas Hoecker (EPS 2019). All together now: spring 2019 state of the art
- CERN news on progress with the Higgs (in particular ttH and Hbb evidence). ATLAS briefings also describe the search for new physics.
- How many Higgs did ATLAS detect in each channel ? : check here table 4 of a recent publication.
- Exploring the scientific potential of LHC-HL: the Granada workshop.
- Summer 2019 overview: CERN courrier article (and links therein).
- Run 3 & LHC-HL preparation: in ATLAS and at CERN
- HEP in the cloud computing and open science era: a recorded seminar by Lukas Heinrich
- Time to adapt for big data: radical changes needed, a CERN courrier article (march 2018)