CERN Accelerating science

I am ATLAS : it's all about data

Higgs Iconic event

Fresh news & review [Dec 2019] : a CERN courrier article on Adapting to exascale computing

ATLAS data flow, from detectors to publication

  • Processing LHC data, a video prepared around the Higgs discovery time. Numbers are a bit out of date, but the setup isn't ! 
  • From raw data to physics, 1.Record, 2.Reconstruct3.Analyse  are (recorded) summer students lectures by A.Sfyrla. Slides 22 and 25 of the lecture 1 summarise events lifetime and rates. 
  • Big data meets big science: an overview poster of the ATLAS data processing chain, prepared for the open days. Step by step:
  • A few ATLAS news address event displays . A gallery of ATLAS Run 2 events. "Picturing Particles" is a video story about how HEP data vizualisation developed. 


Data processing, from the CERN data center to scientists laptops


  • A specific web site was prepared for the Open Days 2019. One page summary & key numbers are on a flyer . The drone tour of the data center is available in CDS and on YouTube . 
  • Current numbers can be found in the CERN data center Key information (October 2019).  A live dashboard features computing, storage and network resources.
  •  Most of the animations shown to data center visitors are in CDS  

World wide

Numbers ?


Higgs boson



Progress with Run2






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