CERN Accelerating science

I am ATLAS: Plastified Images

ATLAS schema

Many guides, exhibit, institutes use the same resources & images on the the ATLAS, LHC-France, IN2P3, CERN web sites and social media. But selecting & collecting them takes quite some time. Here are possible starting points, prepared in 2018 for ATLAS underground guides training sessions and updated for EUTOPIA.

If printed and plastified, they can by used in any event and be manipulated by people. 


Particles & interactions:

  1. Standard model in a nutshell: wikipedia font or CERN web site style
  2. Detection & identification principle: diagram .
  3. Re-measuring XXth century HEP with di-muons, also called the "text book plot" : the ATLAS version is at the bottom of this page
  4. Measuring the standard Model : the 2019 cross sections plot  (fig.1)


Higgs for ever

  1. Animated Higgs discovery plots (2011, 2012) are on CDS
  2. 2019 H into 4 leptons ATLAS-CONF-2019-025 (fig 4)
  3. 2019 H in gamma gamma ATLAS-CONF-2019-029 (fig 3)
  4. The iconic 2012 Higgs event display


Searches for new physics

  1. A nice high mass diijet event   [caption ]
  2. 2019 full stat Moriond CONF note on Search for dilepton resonances  . Figure 1 was on a LAPP news, as the group contributed stronlgy
  3. Monojet 2016 candidate


Experimental setup:

A flavour of ATLAS size 

  1. ATLAS diagram: official images  [ can be replaced by a 3D, paper or lego model ]
  2. Collaboration: nov 2018 map
  3. Detector: large calorimeter insertion in 2009 ; narrow IBL integration in 2014 ; impressive big wheels in 2007 (1st photo)
  4. Timelapse: ATLAS opening (2018)

LHC beams & collisions

  1. LHC & Pays de Gex: combined image
  2. Ready for beam: approved DCS screenshot
  3. Proton collisions & vertices: 2017 high pileup event display [ caption ]
  4. Approved ATLAS event displays
  5. Run2 lumi plots


Data flow:

  1. Events rates and lifetime : slides 22 and 25 of a 2018 summer students lecture
  2. Computing resources: the standard grid image + new resources, is on page 1 of this summary. Tasks & rates on page 2 of the same home made compilation of 2018 computing numbers.


Towards LHC-HL 

Pixel detector 

  1. Current ATLAS tracking: schema (fig. 1)
  2. Pixel Run 1 & 2: overview (fig. 1)
  3. Preparing the future: ITK pixel TDR layout (chapter 2, fig 10)
  4. TBD



  1. Calorimeter schema


Muon system

  1. Muon system schema



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