ATLAS official birth date is 1.10.1992, date of the LoI (Letter of Intent). The celebration of the collaboration 25th anniversary lead to a website cleanup, several recorded talks.
Available online, free of charge: the ATLAS 25 book
LHC25 celebration event: recorded ATLAS talk, by P.Jenni
Expansion over time and continents:
- It started with the: Letter of Intent ( LoI - 1.10.92 )
- CERN courier: the making of a giant [2008] & the strength of a collaboration [2014], both by P.Jenni
- ATLAS is 20: a news by the outreach group [2012] and an article: first steps in an incredible journey towards a Higgs boson by P.Jenni [2012]
- ATLAS is 25: celebration news, more photos, plus colours & signatures
Technical & operational challenges & success:
The ATLAS public web site updates have tags, that can be used to focus: e.g detector covers the cavern, installation and TC activities. When possible, subsystem tags provide more specific updates: Inner Detector, Calorimeter, Muon Spectrometer, Magnet System, Forward Detector, Trigger DAQ . The data flow can then be seen through:
- Activities are grouped with Detector Operation, Data Preparation and Software & Computing
- Data types are tagged with Cosmic Ray, Beam splash, Collisions
- Time periods as: LHC (beam news & restart each year), Run 1 & Run 2 (production and physics), LS1 (long shutdown).
- Other specific & useful tags : Event Displays, luminosity, restartLHC (june 2015), control room .
The collaboration at work:
- The tag ATLAS collaboration covers our internal life: among these celebrations, awards, activities around the world and career paths & roles.
- The tag Outreach covers all activities such as visits, education, Citizen Science and partnerships with - for example - artists and musicians.
- Older ATLAS news 2001-2007 and 2007-2011 are still accessible.
Visible by ATLAS insiders only: celebrations recordings
- ATLAS 2008 startup event talks: looking back at some (early) milestones, ATLAS in the world
- Peter Jenni's handover to Fabiola Gianotti: talks are in indico [19.02.2009]
- ATLAS25 in Bratislava: Event Indico & recordings