CERN Accelerating science

Origin project : getting the most out of bits & pieces

Det Pieces

Giving a flavour of HEP detector size, complexity and beauty is not an easy task. The "in a Suitcase" project was initially setup to collect material developed for and by the ATLAS experiment, with a strong focus on detector pieces, Heritage Objects, Posters and Virtual Reality.

This project evolved in the last two years, thanks to many people's feedback & the experience gained in events co-organised with ORIGIN partners.



The files attached below show examples of installations.



  • The set of objects was initially collected as a present to Peter Jenni at the end of his spokesperson mandate, and slowly augmented by gifts or long term loans by subsystem experts.
  • Colourful event displays, plots & photos were combined with objects to enhance the notion of "Data flow", from LHC collisions to physics.
  • Note that LCC & detector pieces can be borrowed from the CERN  Heritage Collection


It became more and more obvious that the global narrative had to and could easily be adapted to highlight local institutes contributions to ATLAS and, more generally, LHC or any experiment.

That's why in the end the project was renamed as  "The Universe in a Suitcase"...

By reference to the book " l'infini dans la paume de la main", by Matthieu Ricard and Trinh Xuan Thuan ? 


Suitcase Split

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