The word OUTREACH comes form the English expression "to reach out", but is used in many context and ways in out field. In July 2017, the ATLAS outreach co-coordinators ( Kate Shaw and myself ) were asked to put in words the mandate and directions followed by the group. Very healthy exercise, which lead to the drawing of a nice 5 branch star.
Communication / "Visibilité"
ATLAS is at the same time a detector installed at CERN, a worldwide collaboration and an experiment measuring physics processes. Presenting and explaining in parallel technical, human and scientific features requires tools (web site, social media) and balance. It also implies to identify target audience and tune the level of information to their interest and awareness.
Talk: How the ATLAS experiment tailors its public communication - LHCP 2017 conference slides
Discussing LHC & ATLAS detector: see for example Run2 #restartLHC or Defending our (computing) life series.
This is done in coordination with other actors such as the CERN press office and Communication responsible. ATLAS funding agencies and institutes then chose to propagate, translate and adapt the information level to their own needs. See for example LHC-France
Education / "Ateliers de formation scientifique"
One of the flagships of the discipline is the Master Class program, organised by the IPPOG collaboration in the EU time zone and in several North and South American institutes. They are usually combined with a live conversation with a CERN based scientist, through the Virtual Visits program
Activities were also developed for younger children, older students and adults, as shown on the public web site . Open data & citizen science projects were for example the highlight of the 2016-2018 period.
The success of Physics Pavillons in music festivals lead to the growth of mobile activities, in particular cloud chambers building... which is by far the most popular workshop supported by CERN S'cool lab.
Visits / "Vulgarisation"
Among the LHC experiments ATLAS is the closest to CERN's public exhibits. It gives it a special mission to welcome groups and VIP of all kinds in the Visitor Center and - when possible - in the detector cavern. Up to date resources and Q&A material are maintained for the benefit of guides, and links selected if the public wants to follow up, online, from home.
In 2016-2018 special attention was given to visitors with special needs, large and small objects collection and documentation, poster development and guides training. 2013 and 2019 saw of course the giant CERN Open Days organisation. 360 degrees panorama and VR tools were developed for periods where the cavern is not available... and to bring "something of ATLAS size" to institutes and the public who cannot make it to CERN.
ATLAS-wide events and activities / "Outreach"
ATLAS institutes and scientists are to a large extent independent when is comes to explaining their research activities to their local public. But themes and methods evolve, and the material and experience gained by the core team through the organisation of repeated events can be shared and adapted to their wishes. This took place in 2015-2018 through a series of outreach projects and the setup of the ORIGIN network in 2018-2019.
Dissemination & exchanges with other experts / "Partnerships"
Talks, publications, parallel session organisation are crucial to increase the community awareness and trigger discussions. All major conferences have now integrated some outreach, and most of our strategies have been documented. The next milestone is to enter in contact with other actors : professionals, science museum experts, social media stars.