Over the full LHCP 2019 conference duration an exhibit introduced the ORIGIN Art-Science concepts.
The exhibit content was prepared over 6 months, through interactions between BUAP & CERN scientists (who introduced the LHC goals and experimental program), ARPA art students & teachers (who curated an art competition) and professional artists. Mexican scientists brought detector pieces to explain students how HEP research is performed in their institutes. LHC and detector photos illustrated for the public the context and objective of the LHCP conference, taking place "next door".
Video: a flavour of the exhibit & competition prize ceremony
BUAP-ARPA art competition: 19 students contributed to the art-science competition organised by ARPA. The awards ceremony took place in the conference auditorium, Wednesday May 22 in the afternoon, with contributions from the guest artist Pedro Trueba . Given the quality and variety of the pieces produced, all competitors came on stage to receive personal congratulations and a souvenir (physics) book. The ARPA exhibit curators and ORIGIN coordinators will organise follow up and dissemination of their impressive work.
Students program: over the full week, the physics students enrolled in the conference staff team interacted with the team and became excellent "LHC ambassadors" towards Mexican visitors.
Teachers program: 7 of the 45 teachers who joined over the last 3 years the CERN teachers programmes met on Wednesday 22 to share experiences, contacts and activities in preparation for the second Mexican grant. Remote connections were organised with the CERN programme responsible and with the ATLAS experiment Open Data & Cevale2ve programme experts.
Credits and details can be found on the project web page. I was the only non-Mexican in the organisation team:
- Arely Cortes Gonzalez (Students training & programme - CERN ATLAS fellow)
- Claire Adam (ORIGIN co-coordinator - CNRS/LAPP ATLAS group)
- Diana Exzacarias Montalvo (Mexican teachers programme - TecNM Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba)
- Irais Bautista Guzman (LHCP conference chair - BUAP ALICE group)
- Jesus Pérez Acosta (Art competition curator - ARPA Coordinador del Colegio de Artes Plásticas)
- Lorenzo Diaz Cruz (Students mentor - BUAP theory group)
- Luis Flores Castillo (Scientific partner of the artist Pedro Trueba - Chinese University of Hong-Kong ATLAS group)
- Nadia Leal (Students crew coordinator - Student in BUAP-FCFM)
- Yazmin Alejandra Pineda Tellez ( Exhibit curator - ARPA Colegio de Artes Plásticas)