Tasneem Zehra Husain is Theoretical Physicist and Writer. She was invited by CERN in October 2016 to present her book "Only the longest threads" and meet several teams. ATLAS took this opportunity to hold a science writing workshop and possibly develop longer term links:
Author's web site
Links to her contributions to 3 Quarks Daily and the 2015 Cambridge Science Festival panel discussion on Reinventing Science Writing
Abstract of the first event, October 2016 [indico ]: "As particle physicists, we spend our days studying the elemental building blocks from which our entire vast and varied universe is constructed. We probe the individual particles, and examine the ways in which they interact with and influence each other. The knowledge we glean about these invisible subatomic constituents has deep implications for our understanding of familiar every day objects and phenomena. In this workshop, we will take a similar approach to science writing. We will look closely at various passages, culled from a range of sources, and attempt to deconstruct them. We will try to identify the components that make up effective science writing, study them individually, and examine how they interact. Through discussions, and a serious of exercises, we will learn how to use some of these elements to enliven our own writing - be it long, or short, blog or book."
Based on the positive feedback, a more ambitious Science Writing Workshop was setup in May 2017 : 2 sessions for beginners (May 18 and 19) and 3 sessions advanced (May 22 to 24). See description in the attached file.
The new set of feedback received lead to an evaluation talk at the 2017 DPF conference, in Chicago: The ATLAS science writing workshops
A blog report by Cassandre Poirier-Simon artist in residence at the same period (CPS at CERN, Mythn)