CERN Accelerating science

2021 ? Day Dreaming about Zooniverse

proto-Dune event zoom



A brief tour of the Zooniverse: recorded talk at CERN

The very first (and up to now unique) collider physics project was developed by ATLAS physicists from Oxford : HiggsHunters is now finished and archived ( ) but publications & outreach material remain : 


New projects are expected in 2021, setup by the REINFORCE team :  identification of Virgo events via sonification, muography with cosmic muons, bio-luminescence in deep sea water.  Plus and extension of the past ATLAS project, by a totally different team and including machine learning.

Is there room for more ... ? 

ESCAPE opportunities :

Out of the astrophysics related projects currently running, 2 were developed in the ESCAPE context : 

What is AFAIK unique is the offer to train and help : 1st  ESCAPE citizen science workshop, Dec 2020 : (was recorded). A 2nd workshop is expected ~ 1 year later.

Dark Matter, data & neutrinos :

CERN neutrino platform research program :

Proto-DUNE sees particle tracks : and publishes a first paper

DUNE scientists see tracks with dual phase technology

Preparing for data onslaught :

DUNE as seen from Escape :


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